Online talk with Mark Gevisser about his new book about “The Pink Line"
22.06.2021 18:00

22.06.2021 18:00
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The Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation cordially invites you to the Online talk with Mark Gevisser about his new fascinating book “The Pink Line — the World´s Queer Frontiers” and the fight for their rights of LGBTIQ+ people all over the world.
Date: Tuesday, 22 June, 6 PM (CEST)
Guest: Mark Gevisser, journalist, activist, writer, South Africa
Moderator: Klaus Jetz, Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation, Germany
Please register here before noon, June 22
Mark Gevisser is an empathetic and compelling storyteller. His book is situated between journalism and literature. He does not only write about the defeats and setbacks of the activists he portrays, but also about their successes in changing attitudes and reaching people’s minds and hearts. This crystal-clear analysis and engaging reportage is a rewarding read, a reference work that will keep activists busy for a long time to come, and one that we hope will receive widespread attention, even beyond the LGBTI community.
The event will be held in English language without translation. There will be a Q&A after the book presentation.
It aims at human rights and LGBTI activists, journalists, students, government representatives and everybody with an interest in the human rights of LGBTI people and the contemporary culture wars around the topic.
An event by Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation as part of the project: LGBTIQ Human Rights Defenders. Find more about the project in our Blog, Tag MRV-2021.