Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland (LSVD⁺)

Berlin: Diversity in Sport : A Talk about sports, identity and life beyond the professional career

06.07.2022 18:00

With former soccer players Joanna Lohman (USA), Nadine Angerer and Marcus Urban (Germany). Both Nadine Angerer and Joanna Lohman have celebrated legendary successes in sports and set standards with their careers. Marcus Urban played with the East German national youth football team.

06.07.2022 18:00

U.S. Embassy Berlin Pariser Platz 2 10117 Berlin


With former soccer players Joanna Lohman (USA), Nadine Angerer and Marcus Urban (Germany). Both Nadine Angerer and Joanna Lohman have celebrated legendary successes in sports and set standards with their careers. Marcus Urban played with the East German national youth football team.

Date? Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 18:00-19:30  (HYBRID IN ENGLISH)

Location? U.S. Embassy Berlin, Pariser Platz 2, 10117 Berlin 

Please register using this link:

Livestream Diversity in Sports

Moderation: Ronny Blaschke, Journalist
Remarks by: Christian Rudolph, German Football Association LGBTQ+ point of contact
