Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland (LSVD)

Queer Play - das erste queere Theaterstück in Tunesien

Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung und Auswärtiges Amt unterstützen Projekt von Mawjoudin

Seit 2017 arbeiten wir über die Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung mit der tunesischen NGO Mawjoudin We Exist. In diesem Jahr fördern wir mit Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amts die Entwicklung und Aufführung eines queeren Theaterstücks.

Workshop von Mawjoudin für das Theaterstück

Seit 2017 unterstützen der LSVD und seine Menschenrechtsstiftung, die Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung, unsere tunesische Partnerorganisation Mawjoudin We Exist bei zahlreichen Projekten, so zum Beispiel bei der Durchführung des ersten queeren Filmfestivals in Tunesien im Jahre 2018, dem Mawjoudin Queer Film Festival. In diesem Jahr fördern wir – mit Unterstützung des Auswärtigen Amts – ein weiteres Projekt, dass queeres Leben und queere Kultur für alle Menschen in Tunesien sichtbar machen will: die Entwicklung und Aufführung eines Theaterstücks, in dem die Protagonist*innen ihre Lebenswirklichkeit auf der Bühne vor- bzw. darstellen. Nach einem intensiven Vorbereitungs – und Auswahlprozess werden nun Anfang November die Proben beginnen. Mawjoudin hat uns den folgenden Bericht über den Fortgang des Projektes geschickt:


Since 2017, the LSVD, and its human rights foundation - the Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation - have supported numerous projects by its Tunisian partner organisation, Mawjoudin We Exist. One of these ventures is for example the accomplishment of the first queer film festival in Tunisia in 2018: the Mawjoudin Queer Film Festival. Backed by the German Federal Foreign Office, another initiative will be supported this year. The aspiring aim of the new project is for queer life and queer culture to become apparent to every person in Tunisia. The motivated project plan covers the development and performance of a theatre play in which the protagonists will introduce and demonstrate the reality of their every-day-life on stage. After a process of intensive preparations and selections, rehearsals are set to start at the beginning of November. Mawjoudin has kindly forwarded us the following report covering the progress of this project:


"Tunisian Queer Play" is a theatrical project - an idea born as a result of an invitation from the Association "Mawjoudin We Exist" to the Tunisian director and playwright, Essia Jaïbi.

Mawjoudin is a non-profit NGO that aims to guarantee human rights, and bodily and sexual rights to members of the LGBTQ+ community. As part of its new editorial line, Mawjoudin provides a safe space for Tunisian artists to compose, create and develop ideas.

This theatrical project is the 1st of its kind in Tunisia - an artistic approach to Queer as a culture, movement and orientation. The development of the play will go through a process of research, and creative and fictional writing based on Tunisian reality.


After forming the core crew for the project launch, Mawjoudin started the selection process of the actresses.actors for the play. The initial call resulted in Mawjoudin receiving about 40 applications. Half of the applicants were invited to auditions, and then ten candidates were welcomed to attend the last step in the selection process: the "Artistic residence", a six-day theatre and gender workshop.

With the final selection of six performers in place, the foundation is set and ready for creative writing and rehearsals to start on November 1st. The premiere for this 1st of its kind artistic project in Tunisia is scheduled for the end of January 2022.

